Risk Management Study

The risks faced by architects and engineers are growing in complexity and scale. As a leading insurer of these exposures, Beazley is constantly looking for new ways to help firms manage and mitigate risks.

Sharing information on best practices is a tried and tested way to improve risk preparedness. Much research focuses on identifying downside risk - the behaviors that lead to and contribute to claims. Rarer and more valuable, we believe, is hard data that focuses on the return on investment of various risk management techniques.

To that end, we would like to invite you to participate in a brief online study. The study, prepared with input and advice from a number of risk managers, will provide participants with valuable information on the return on investment of different risk management strategies and initiatives. It will also highlight emerging risks and how best to respond to them.

We intend this to serve as a benchmarking study, conducted annually. We have sought to design the questionnaire to be unambiguous and easy to complete. It should take between five and ten minutes to complete.

All data supplied will be used exclusively for the purposes of this study and will be presented anonymously throughout the study.

Click below to begin.

To The Study